Next Club Meeting
22nd March
Club Meeting 10:00 am – Topic TBA
Click here for – HF.VHF.UHF. NETS –Club Nets
The 80-metre HF Net is on 3.650 MHz at 8:00pm every Friday. +/-10 kHz if QRM/QRN is a problem.
The net roster is on the club’s website. VHF Net is on Wednesdays at 8:00pm on 146.525MHz. The
40-metre Net, when operational, is also on Wednesday at 8:15pm on 7.090 MHz after the VHF Net. - Because night time conditions have been poor for the 40-metre net in recent weeks, we have
decided to suspend the 40-metre net until further notice. - Every Wednesday – All Months –
- Informal weekly gathering at the Clubrooms, for coffee or tea and a chat. 9:30 am.